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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code COFLU SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and Influenza PCR (NAAT)


Additional Codes

HIVQL (Epic), HIVQAL (Sunquest)

Specimen and Container/Tube

Nasopharyngeal (NP) flocked swab

Nasal flocked swab

Flocked NP swab, viral transport medium

Flocked nasal swab, liquid Amies medium

Specimen Handling and Transport Instructions

See UCMC collection instructions


Reference Values

Negative for all targets

Critical Values


All positive  culture






Turnaround Time

Results typically available within 48 hours of receipt in the Microbiology Laboratory depending on test volume and season.

Day(s) Performed

Monday through Sunday

CPT Codes




Collection Instructions

UCMC Collection Instructions

Specimen SourceFlocked nasopharyngeal swab; 1 specimen/day

Specimen Collection: Kit consists of flocked nasopharyngeal swab and viral transport media.

  1. Tilt the patient’s head back 70 degrees.
  2. Insert the flocked swab through the nostril parallel to the palate (not upwards) until resistance is encountered and the swab reaches a depth equal to the distance from the nostrils to the outer opening of the ear.
  3. Rotate the flocked swab 2-3 times and hold the swab in place for 5-10 seconds to ensure maximum absorbency.   Specimens can be collected from both sides using the same swab, but it is not necessary to collect specimens from both sides if the minitip is saturated with fluid from the first collection.
  4. Put the swab in the viral transport media and break the shaft at the designated breakpoint.
  5. Tightly close the lid.

Specimen Transport: Ambient temperature if< 2 hr, transport refrigerated if >2 hrs from time of collection.

Specimen Source: Flocked Nasal swab; 1 specimen/day

Specimen Collection: Kit consists of regular-sized flocked swab and liquid Amies transport media.

  1. Tilt the patient’s head back 70 degrees.
  2. Insert the flocked swab into the nasal passage until a slight resistance is met at the turbinates (about 2 cm into the nostril).
  3. Rotate the flocked swab 2-3 times and hold the swab in place for 5-10 seconds to ensure maximum absorbency.  Swab both nostrils with the same swab.
  4. Put the swab in the transport media and break the shaft at the designated breakpoint.
  5. Tightly close the lid.

Specimen TransportAmbient temperature if< 2 hr, transport refrigerated if >2 hrs from time of collection.

Microbiology Specimen Collection Tables
Please see link  for Microbiology Specimen Collection Tables;


Test Components

Detects SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Influenza A, and Influenza B.

Clinical Indications

Detects SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Influenza A, and Influenza B.


PCR (NAAT) performed using the cobas SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A & B assay on the Roche cobas 6800 instrument

Last Reviewed Date
