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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code CGSK Chromosome Analysis, skin biopsy

Important Note

Please call the lab at 2-6203 for specimen pickup

Specimen and Container/Tube

Skin in a sterile specimen cup with transport media (provided by the laboratory upon request) or sterile saline.

Rejection Criteria

>24 hours old, samples exposed to extreme temperatures or fixatives

Reference Values

Interperative Report

Critical Values


Turnaround Time


CPT Codes

88233, 88262, 88280



Last Review Date



Preferred:  3 mm x 3mm skin punch or skin section

Collection Instructions

Specimen should be collected in a sterile specimen cup with transport media (provided by the lab) or sterile saline.  Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection.  

Specimen Stability

Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection. 

Additional Information

Test Limitations:  Will not detect submicroscopic or molecular mutations, chromosomal abnormalities below the stated resolution, or low levels of mosicism.

Clinical Indications

Diagnosis of mosaic congenital chromosome abnormalities, including mosaic aneuploidy and mosaic structural abnormalities.

Specimen Handling & Transport Instructions

Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection.  

Test Components

Tissue Culture;  Chromosome analysis;  Karyotype


Culture and Giemsa Band

Synonyms/Key Search Words

Karyotype;  Chromosomes