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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code CGPOC Chromosome Analysis, products of conception

Important Note

Chorionic villi preferred

Please tube specimen to J-601(tube station #461).

When ordering Chromosome Analysis w/Reflex to SNP Array, please be sure to place an order for both Chromosome Analysis and SNP Array separately.  

Specimen and Container/Tube

Products of conception (Chorionic villi) or other fetal tissues collected in a sterile specimen cup w/ transport media (provided by the lab) or sterile saline.

Rejection Criteria

Formalin fixed tissue cannot be processed by the laboratory; Non-pregnancy tissue (at the discretion of the section director or supervisor)

Reference Values

Interperative Report

Critical Values


Turnaround Time


CPT Codes

88233, 88262, 88280



Specimen Stability

Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection.  


Preferred:  100+mg of tissue

Minimum:  40mg of tissue

Collection Instructions

Specimen should be collected in a sterile specimen cup with transport media (provided by the lab) or sterile saline.  Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection.  

Last Review Date


Additional Information

Test Limitations:  Will not detect submicroscopic or molecular mutations, chromosomal abnormalities below the stated resolution, or low levels of mosicism.

Clinical Indications

Indication for chromosome analysis of products of conception include:  pregnancy loss of unknown etiology; fetal anomalies; parental chromosome abnormality; clarification of ambiguous chromosomal findings; detection of chromosome rearrangements; failiure of tissue to grow in culture.

Specimen Handling & Transport Instructions

Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection.  

POC speimen can be tubed to J-601  (Tube station #461)

Test Components

Tissue Culture, Chromosome analysis; Karyotype


Culture and Giemsa Band

Synonyms/Key Search Words

Karyotype;  Chromosomes