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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code CGFAF FISH, prenatal, amniotic fluid

Important Note

Please call the lab at 2-6203 for any ordering questions and for sample pick up.

Specimen and Container/Tube

Amniotic fluid

Rejection Criteria

>72 hours after collection

Reference Values

Interperative Report

Critical Values


Turnaround Time


CPT Codes

88271 x 5  





Preferred:    10-20ml                                                        

Amount needed by test:                         BU culture:  5-15 mL                AV:  5 mL                                                 

Collection Instructions

Amniotic fluid should be collected in sterile 15mL conical tubes (provided by the lab).  Keep at room temperature.   If specimen will sit for more than 24 hrs, please refrigerate at 4°C until specimen can be picked up by the laboratory.

Please DO NOT collect AF in AMBER TUBES.  These can be toxic to amniotic fluid cells.

Last Review Date


Specimen Stability

Keep at room temperature and deliver to the lab within 24 hours.  If specimen will sit for more than 24 hrs, please refrigerate at 4°C until specimen can be picked up by the laboratory

Additional Information

Test Limitations:  AneuVysion does not detect structural chromosome abnormalities, mosaicism, and numerical abnormalities of other chromosomes.

Synonyms/Search Keywords


Clinical Indications

AneuVysion is indicated for the rapid diagnosis of aneuploidy for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y.

Specimen Handling & Transport Instructions

Once the specimen is collected, the laboratory should be called at 2-6203 for sample pickup.  

AF specimens should NOT be tubed!

Test Components

AneuVysion FISH (includes probes for chromsomes 13, 18, 21, X, Y)


Dual or tri-color fluorescent DNA probes with DAPI counterstain