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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code CGCV Chromosome Analysis, prenatal, chorionic villi

Important Note

Please call the lab at 2-6203 for any ordering questions and for sample pick up.  

A maternal blood sample collected in an EDTA tube should also be submitted at the time of CVS collection.  This blood will be used for possible future MCC studies.  

Specimen and Container/Tube

Chorionic villus collected in a specimen cup with transport media (provided by the laboratory).  

Arrangements for media should be made prior to sample collection.  Please call laboratory at 2-6203

Rejection Criteria

>72 hours after collection

Reference Values

Interperative Report

Critical Values


Turnaround Time


CPT Codes

88235, 88262, 88280




Preferred:    >20mg                                                        

Amount needed by test:                          Chromosome Analysis:  15-20 mg               AneuVysion (FISH):  5 mg                                                 

Collection Instructions

Specimen should be collected in a sterile specimen cup with transport media (provided by the lab).  Keep at room temperature until sample is collected by the lab. 

Last Review Date


Additional Information

Test Limitations:  Will not detect submicroscopic or molecular mutations, chromosomal abnormalities below the stated resolution, or low levels of mosicism.

Specimen Stability

Keep at room temperature and deliver to the lab within 24 hours.  If specimen will sit for more than 24 hrs, please refrigerate at 4°C until specimen can be picked up by the laboratory

Clinical Indications

Prenatal chromosome analysis is appropriate when an individual is at increased risk for fetal aneuploidy based on:  maternal age; abnormal noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT); abnormal multiple marker screening; or abnormal fetal ultrasound or has a family history of chromosome abnormality or genetic disorder.

Specimen Handling & Transport Instructions

Once the specimen is collected, the laboratory should be called at 2-6203 for sample pickup.  

CVS specimens should NOT be tubed!

Test Components

Tissue Culture; Chromosome analysis; Karyotype


Culture and Giemsa Band

Synonyms/Key Search Words

Karyotype;  Chromosomes