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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code CGCFS Skin Biopsy Culture for sendout, cytogenetics

Important Note

Please call 2-6203 for specimen pickup

Specimen and Container/Tube

Skin in a sterile specimen cup with transport media (provided by the laboratory upon request) or sterile saline.

Rejection Criteria

>72 hours old, samples exposed to extreme temperatures or

Reference Values


Critical Values


Turnaround Time


CPT Codes

88233, 88240



Specimen Stability

Keep at room temperature and deliver within 24 hours.  If > than 24 hrs, please refrigerate at 4°C until specimen can be picked up by the laboratory


Preferred:  3 mm x 3mm

Collection Instructions

Specimen should be collected in a sterile specimen cup with transport media (provided by the lab) or sterile saline.  Refrigerate at 4°C and deliver to laboratory within 24 hours of specimen collection.  

Last Review Date


Additional Information


Synonyms/Search Keyword

Skin biopsy


Culture; Cryopreservation

Clinical Indications

Cultured fibroblasts for freezing or send out testing.

Specimen Handling & Transport Instructions

Skin specimen should be collected in sterile specimen cup w/transport media (provided by the lab).  The laboratory should then be called at 2-6203 for sample pickup. Skin biopsy specimens should NOT be tubed!

Test Components

Tissue culture; Cryopreservation of cell line and storage