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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Test Code CGBP Chromosome Analysis, congenital disorders, peripheral blood

Important Note

Please tube blood to J-601 (tube station #461) when specimen is collected.

Specimen and Container/Tube

Whole peripheral blood

Rejection Criteria

>48 hours old, incorrect anticoagulant, clotted, hemolyzed

Reference Values

Interperative Report

Critical Values


Turnaround Time


CPT Codes

88230, 88262, 88280



Specimen Stability

Keep  at room temperature and deliver within 24 hours to the lab.  


NaHp (green top):  1-3mL

Collection Instructions

Whole blood collected in the following tubes: 3-5ml  in a NaHp (green top) tube.  Keep at room temperature and tube to lab within 24 hours. 

Additional Information

Test Limitations:  Will not detect submicroscopic or molecular mutations,
chromosomal abnormalities below the stated resolution, or low levels of mosicism.

Last Review Date


Clinical Indications

Chromosome analysis is appropriate for individual with clinical features including infertility, multiple miscarriages, delayed
puberty, ambiguous genitalia, amenorrhea, or individuals with clinical features suggestive of an aneuploidy syndrome, including Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Trisomy 13 syndrome, and Trisomy 18 syndrome.

Specimen Handling & Transport Instructions

Keep at room temperature and deliver within 24 hours.  Specimen can be tubed to J-601 (tube station #461). 

Test Components

Tissue Culture, Chromosome analysis/karyotype.


Culture and Giemsa Band

Synonyms/Key Search Words
